After our previous IOS game experiment Gnomath, we decided to go further and this time create a 3D game for both children and adults.
This time you’re playing a knight lost in a dangerous dungeon filled with traps, ghosts, and other enemies. Your journey will be filled with mazes and numerous loot to collect!
We’re thrilled to share with you some early screenshot. Be sure to click on the thumbnails to see the pictures in higher definition.

With textures, you can see the game taking its medieval shape. We started using JoyBox and RubyMotion but quickly switched to Unity which allowed us to get a first prototype up and running much faster. We’re now on the right track and we’re currently in the process of creating more levels.

The game play still needs some love but we’re getting closer to what we want.

Over the coming weeks/months we will try to share more of our progress. Stay tuned!