Exostation - Devlog 2
Adding more gameplay behaviors: time control, more details on buildings, population management, worker assignments, neighbors bonuses and penalties.
Adding more gameplay behaviors: time control, more details on buildings, population management, worker assignments, neighbors bonuses and penalties.
We’re playing with a new game idea, current code-name: Exostation.
This is a first preview of some UIs and gameplay.
We started to work on a new grid with 6” tiles over a 3d terrain, allowing for a more realistic render while also making it easier to move entire units.
Another benefit to this approach compared to runtime procedural generation as we tried before is that we can enable global illumination even in Godot 3.
Player versus AI, first the computer has placed all its units inside its deployment zone (blue) as can be seen on the minimap. Then it’s your turn to choose where to put your Captain and Prime Brothers inside your deployment zone (green). The computer then plays a turn, then it’s your turn to move.
Here you can see hexagonal tiles of various heights, using the editor we switch from one tile to another, if the tile elevation is too low the tile becomes underwater. It’s possible to randomly generate a new map too and save them to file.
Here you can have a preview of the army list builder where you can select units and upgrades to build your own custom army. The meshes are placeholders from Mixamo and will be replaced down the line by assets where you can see all your options applied in real time.
Let’s beat the dangerous ghosts…